
Report Summary

To view a summary report of all your campaigns go: eCards>Reports. Or you can access reports by clicking Select Action>Reports from your My eCard campaigns page.

On the reports summary page you will see a list of campaigns that you have previously sent.


Detailed Report

By clicking on a particular campaign from the Report Summary you can view in depth report including: who the campaign was sent to; the date it was created; the date it was sent; whether or not each recipient opened the card or if an email bounced.


You can filter/search reports by clicking 'Search Reports'.

Download Reports

The report can be saved in CSV format (Microsoft Excel/Google Spreadsheets) through the 'Download Reports' button.

Scheduled campaigns are also included in reports. For example; if you create a Birthday campaign - you can view reports as soon as the campaign commences sending i.e. before all Birthday eCards have been sent.

If you need any additional help using the ekarda system, send us an email at